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Lockill FaceOff丨Overall performance
Performance | Standard |
BFE (Antimicrobial) >95% | ASTM F2100-19 Level 1 |
Breathability <3.5mm H2O/cm2 | ASTM F2100-19 Level 3 |
Fluid Resistance 160 mmHg | ASTM F2100-19 Level 3 |
Odorless | Grade B FTTS FA018 |
Washable & Reusable (at least 20 times) | AATCC22-2017 |
Bacteria Contents <20cfu/g | GB15979 |
Lockill FaceOff丨Production Details
- Manufacturer: Lockill Biochemical Limited
- Design: Lockill Biochemical Limited
- Raw material: Taiwan
- Manufacturing: Vietnam
- Sterilizing & Packing: Lockill Hong Kong Factory
- Factory Sterilization: FLYGOO Ozone Generator
- Product Sterilization: FLYGOO 5,000 Litre 20ppm Ozone Station
- Sterilization Remarks: Ozone sterilization is specially designed in terms of density and time span to avoid adverse effects on the designated performance of the mask products
Lockill FaceOff丨Direction on use
- Please Wash Before Use (product may contain ozone smell)
- No Iron, No Steam & cook
- Hand-wash only
- Dry naturally on flat surface
More information and lab test report:https://www.lockill.com/faceoff